The vending machine, the 20th century goldmine of quick and easy snacking......or is it? To me is has caused me a lot of unnecessary stress when all i want is a little bag of pleasure for my tum. Then again, I blame myself because i seem to trust and invest in every vending machine that comes my way. When really, they are all the same. They all have that statistical error that arises when i come around (or thats what it seems like).
So here it goes:
At OSU there are muliple buildings with FOOD vending machines in them. Of course non of them are in any art buildings because art students don't spend all night working on projects (cough cough), only science and engineering/chemistry/math students do that so they need nutrition.
Autumn quarter of this year i was starving, have 3 classes back to back and no time to make a lunch i stopped by a vending machine that had always been good to me. I had only ONE DOLLAR left and needed those M&Ms. So i slide Mr. Washington into the "Money Eater" pressed what i thought was the code and i watched the coils turn on the empy shelf NEXT to the M&Ms......i was baffeled......how did i do that? How the hell did i enter the number to the only empty shelf in the whole machine. I was so pissed and hungry, but I laughed....
Winter quarter of this year i was starving AGAIN and went to one of the new vending machines that are specidically filled with recesse pieces and snickers in the big math building on campus. The machine was missleading because it looked like a vending machine for pop but was actually for candy so i took my chances when i only had one dollar AGAIN. I put in that dollar, pressed for recesses pieces and did i hear a wonderful sound a bag of wonderfulness drop? NO! nothing came out, nothing! THERE WAS NO OUT OF ORDER SIGN OR NOTHING! I was pissed and hungry, but laughed....
Spring quarter (or "hell) made me stay in Hopkins hall computer labs for 8 hours a day and being the idiot i continously am, I forget to pack lunch, but thankfully i have a lot of change i now carry around. It was one of my long work days and my new favorite vending machine was in the basement of a building called denny hall. THEY HAVE PEANUT BUTTER M&Ms! (if you cant tell, i love those little morsels). Except this day they didn't have the peanut butter kind, just the peanut kind and i degraded for hunger sake. Once again, same ole routine: in goes george washington, i press the code (E2) and slowly the coils turn and my bag of glory starts to fa- IT GOT STUCK!!!!!!!!! the bag didnt come out! it was hanging half way in the coil and i wanted to just die! i shook the machine like the stereotypical anti-vending machine person would do in a vending mahcine rage but it wouldnt budge! i resulted in putting in another dollar, i guess i really wanted those candies. of corse that bag i wanted dropped right down and so did another bag.......i definately looked like a fatass.
Like i havent learned from my mistakes the following week i went to get some candy again, but replacing the peanut m&ms were my lovely PEANUT BUTTER! i was so happy that i did the same routine and pressed the code that was the same as before and what do you know..........they also got stuck! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!! i started to laugh, but then got angry.......i shoook/banged the machine again only harder and with more force! the bag fell out and i was filled with joy. i walked down the hall with a mouth full of peanut butter and chocolate dreaminess and completely forgot about how stupid i am for continously trust these machines that have entered our food rituals.
moral of this story: we are all fooled by the trust we put on machines and im an idiot.
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