Ok so for whatever reason I've been lookin real good lates. Yesterday morning someone wanted to buy me at the flea market on the south side. Then I got asked for my number at the gas station AND THEN I got this wonderful pack of Strawberry Orbit last night at Agora. Oh ya, and I got asked out at the Toy Store today too. A guy came back in to ask me to go out sometime. It was actually nice and not like when I'm studying and reading at the library with my ipod in and a guy comes up to me and asks if I, "Got a man?" and then actually says "congratulations" when I say I do. WTF. Sometime I just say "fuck it" and give out my number, but I haven't at all. So anyways, Agora is MAD busy. Overwhelming. It was awesome, at the end of the night most people were just drunk and wanted to finish the long day with some dancing. We all thought Garrett was going on at 12, but instead a bunch of horrible rappers came in and pushed his slot back. We tried to keep the positive attitude AND the dancing goin, but first of all, someone kept fucking farting on the dance floor. It was so rank. SO RANK. repeatedly farting. So you couldn't breath. People were straight up leaving and going home. Well and 2nd of all, they were so bad, that people were leaving. Kate Sweeney is dancing and frankly secretly mocking the rappers to their face in my opinion. It was hysterical. Funniest part of the night, plus the rappers loved her. So the duo gives her and Marina copies of their CD, and then dude below gives me a pack of Strawberry Orbit gum. WTF. I was like omg, does my breath smell, and def made Kate and Marina smell my breath. They both said it didn't and Marina also told me, "Dude, I would tell you." haha ok. so Kate and Marina are dancing with their CDS in the air, and I'm like WTF gum, so I pocket it. When the farting got so bad, I had to leave, I went back to the studio to eat a piece of new said GUM. and low and behold............... shameless self promotion: nickvido.com ANNNNNDDDD a lovely message and Mr. Glove and Stunna shade's phone number! Holy shit hahahahahah. Whyyyyyyyyyyy. Why would you do this. It looks like a girl made them. Are you trying to get over an ex, and your friend that is a girl made these for you to pass out to girls when you rap?I don't know. I just dont get it. It's bad. Don't do it. WTF, no one else got one but me. HAHAHAHAHAH. Here's a little taste of nickvido.com I recommend everyone goes to it, and reads his Bio and stuff. You will weep. I'm a biaaaaaaaatch.

Don't do this either. Look at technoland. Don't wear sunglasses and gloves and industrial clothes, unless it's a funny joke. Maybe.
The problem with this post is it will probably come up in search when he googles his own name. Should we change this? He has to be Serbian or Croatian cos of the spelling of his name, I'm guessing Croatian cos he is more fair then dark complected. Which is funny since I am and he picked me. Maybe he's just Russian or Eastern European.
The problem with this post is it will probably come up in search when he googles his own name. Should we change this? He has to be Serbian or Croatian cos of the spelling of his name, I'm guessing Croatian cos he is more fair then dark complected. Which is funny since I am and he picked me. Maybe he's just Russian or Eastern European.
Eyes closed, the engineer relaxes into thought, carefully constructing part by part from bare essentials. The world of the inventor declares no task impossible; the only limitations are those imposed by the mind of the creator. Motivated by an insatiable entrepreneurial spirit, the musician seeks and finds those of like mind and challenges them to reach their full potential. The visionary sees the future of entertainment media as a symphony of music, technology and art. A talented performer and vocalist seeks connection with his audience through engaging lyrics and extraordinary composition. NICK VIDO awakens to a life colored by his dream and soars with the promise of creation.
Born in a small Midwestern town, Nicholas Vidovich is the first-generation native-born son of an immigrant steelworker. His family of blue collar workers is, and always has been, innately driven by the entrepreneurial promise of the "American Dream." By witnessing his father's successful business pursuits, Nicholas established a solid foundation for the development of his own endeavors. As the President and CEO of Vidovich Enterprises Limited, Nicholas, a professional Software Engineer, combined his talents with the incomparable musical compositions created by noteworthy producer SUPANATRA. Together with Spaceship Seven Records, the duo, known as Braindouble, set out to re-invent the world of interactive entertainment using 3D animation, state-of-the-art video production, and artificially intelligent software.
Nicholas Vidovich currently resides in Columbus, Ohio.
that nick vido dude had me cracking up. it was a constant of that and just shaking my head like wtf? the fact that he hands those out to girls is hilarious. i just might have to steal that idea...
ReplyDeletei want to be a a part of this blog so i can tell the world i cracked my toilet seat in half today when i sat on it.