I added a picture to the CABS post, it's kinda funny. I have a lot of old stories to add, but I'm slow, SO I wanted to add a story told to me by my dad this week when he got off of work. My dad works for Omni-flight, which is hired by MEDflight. He basically flies those helicopters that pick up people at crash scenes etc and fly them to the hospital, or like emergency surgery stuff from one hospital to another in Ohio or a near by state. So he's been working nights a lot, and that's when all the bad accidents really seem to happen; on the weekend nights when people get drunk and really stupid. So anyways apparently this drunk redneck, wait SHITFACED redneck was driving and whippin' around on his ATV on the roads and stuff. He got pulled over by the cops earlier in the night who just gave him a warning and told him to take himself and his ATV home and get off the road. (Here I want to know why he didn't get arrested for a DUI when that Columbus guy on the motorized Bar Stool did!) So dumbass redneck kept runnin' around on said ATV, and finally he got what he deserved when he was at the intersection of where 229 and 61 meet up in Delaware county and some guy driving an SUV hit him for whatever reason (he probably couln't see him zippin around in the dark through the intersection) and the redneck flew up on the hood of the SUV and went through the fucking windsheild!!!!!!! This guy's head was in the windsheild! OMG I would be so scarred for life! Luckily the driver was the only one in the car, there was no children or wife or anything. So yeah, my dad picked this guy up. He always comes home and tells me stories about some of whom he refers to as America's Finest.
This is just one of the many stories I hear on a regular basis. Last night my dad picked up a 25 year old guy in Marion who had ODed on Heroin but his body or brain chemicals were so fucked up that he went balistic. People found him buried in the corner of a basement punching the wall, and his hand was all mangled. I guess his muscles in his body couldnt hand the drug and were contracting and doing weird things. He also went to pick up an old lady, who died on the spot, so they brought her back to life, then she died again, and they brought her back to life.....etc so I guess my dad asked for a pot of coffee?!?!?!!? ('cos all he does is sit in the helicopter and wait and fly, he does no medical stuff) So I guess a nurse was like "ok, I'll put a pot on (Where!? I don't get this part!?) BUT you have to sit here and watch her. She's on suicide watch." WTF my dad is like...ok...alright...(I'm guessing at this stop he was at a remote hospital, and was going to be transporting this old lady to a larger hospital like OSU, so this young girl he was watching apparently had also just ODed on stuff and had tried to kill herself.) My dad called this "Drug Night"
This is just one of the many stories I hear on a regular basis. Last night my dad picked up a 25 year old guy in Marion who had ODed on Heroin but his body or brain chemicals were so fucked up that he went balistic. People found him buried in the corner of a basement punching the wall, and his hand was all mangled. I guess his muscles in his body couldnt hand the drug and were contracting and doing weird things. He also went to pick up an old lady, who died on the spot, so they brought her back to life, then she died again, and they brought her back to life.....etc so I guess my dad asked for a pot of coffee?!?!?!!? ('cos all he does is sit in the helicopter and wait and fly, he does no medical stuff) So I guess a nurse was like "ok, I'll put a pot on (Where!? I don't get this part!?) BUT you have to sit here and watch her. She's on suicide watch." WTF my dad is like...ok...alright...(I'm guessing at this stop he was at a remote hospital, and was going to be transporting this old lady to a larger hospital like OSU, so this young girl he was watching apparently had also just ODed on stuff and had tried to kill herself.) My dad called this "Drug Night"
why wasnt i there when your dad was telling this story?