
Total what the fuck-ery

This post is actually being copied from a facebook note I wrote earlier in the month. Please enjoy.

It was titled: You're going to want to read this:

April 3, 2009 (the day before my birthday) 9:04 am
I received a text from a number I did not know saying "wats gud."

Now, this happens to me all the time
(like the time I was sitting in class and someone texted me and said U GONNA PICK ME UP IN 10 MINS AT DA WAFFLE HOUSE.)
...so I didn't think anything of it and went about my business (aka not answering the number thinking the sender would get the point.)

2 days later I get another text from the same number (this time at 10 am) stating "gud morning" followed by a sassy lil' picture of the sender (see below or somewhere in the post for said photo. Note how sassy it is.
Note:::: he sent me this photo even though I hadn't answered. Was it to entice me to answer? Did it entice me to answer this time? No.

Again, I don't answer thinking that the second time the sender will get the point (aka you have the wrong number dude.)

I was apparently wrong in my thinking because everyday thus far this person has texted me saying, "wats gud" and other really amazing things
(this also reminds me of the time Jaime and I were in a drivethru and the man at the window answered with "SUP GURLS WHAT'S REALLY GOOD?")

Anyways, today I finally answered and this is the conversation as follows (and spelled exactly as typed...you're welcome)

him: wats gud?
me: who is this?
him:D U gave me yo number wen u was at ma job a day or two ago
me: I'm pretty sure you have the wrong number dude. Sorry.
him: isnt yo name danise?
me: No my name is Abbey. She either gave you the wrong number (oops) or you typed it wrong.
him: U gota nigga?
me: Uhhh bye.

and thus ended our brief but fairly satisfying text fling.

anyways, I've never written a facebook note before but I figured this warranted one. And Denise (Danise, DUHNEECE, anyone else that wants to be Danise) should shoot homeboy a text message at 6148063495

say hello.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sad because I want to text this infamous D, but according to you his phone number is only 9 #s long instead of 10. :( SADDDDD.
